Quick Tip: Pros and Cons of Cloud-Based ERP Systems

Pros and Cons of Cloud-Based ERP Systems

Is a cloud-based ERP system right for you?

There are many pros and cons in relation to cloud-based ERP, let’s talk about a few. 

What is the Cloud?

You’ve heard this buzzword many times when describing software. Simply put, "the Cloud" is the idea of storing and accessing data over the internet

Benefits of the Cloud

  • Reduces IT support services

  • Low initial costs

  • Remote access 

One of the main benefits of Cloud ERP is the ability to have an IT team maintain your hardware server and backups.The backups, updates, and maintenance are handled by us, your provider. You may also have low initial costs rather than a huge up-front investment. Many cloud-based ERP systems offer a monthly subscription rate as opposed to a one-time fee. With that, you have the freedom to access your data anywhere. 

Negatives of the Cloud

  • Security issues

  • Ownership

  • Unforeseen costs

  • Internet connectivity 

When software is hosted “on-premise” everything is within your company. When your software is hosted on the Cloud, your provider has access to all of your data. Many cloud-based ERP companies license their ERP application and dictate when releases are implemented. Standard cloud-based systems can cost more over time.

Most cloud-based ERP systems are modular-based and the more modules you add, the more it costs to maintain. A low monthly subscription rate can quickly surpass the one-time investment of an on-premise ERP Solution. Lastly, internet access is an important consideration. What happens if you lose access to the internet? How is your system updated and maintained? 

With MIE Solutions

We provide both on-premise and cloud-based solutions. With our Cloud offering, you own the application software along with your data. Other cloud-based ERP companies provide multi-tenant solutions–where you lease the application and are not in control of software updates. MIE Solutions provides a dedicated AWS server and allows you to be in control of software updates. The MIE Solutions team also provides regular backups whenever you need them.