MIE Solutions Releases Graphical Nesting Capability

MIE Solutions Releases Graphical Nesting Capability

Linear or Rectangular Nesting Based on Work Orders Associated with The Nest.

Garden Grove, CA – September 7, 2016 - MIE Solutions (www.mie-solutions.com) a leading manufacturing ERP software authority, today announced the release of graphical nesting capability for MIE Trak Pro. 

MIE Trak Pro software now has the ability to generate graphical views of linear or rectangular nested items based on work orders associated with the nest. With a simple click of a button on the nesting screen, linear or rectangular nests are visually generated. Perfect for visually seeing a nest involving plates, bar stocks, tubes, or even cut lists, the graphical nesting feature in MIE Trak Pro provides a visual layout of nested work orders. 

Graphical views of what the nest looks like, how many sheets were used, how many layouts were created, the count of placed parts, and the work orders associated with that nest are shown in MIE Trak Pro. MIE Trak Pro's nesting will look at current inventory levels in real-time to create nests and cut lists to optimize production and material costs without requiring other 3rd party tools. 

About MIE Solutions 

MIE Solutions is a worldwide leading supplier of advanced technology for the manufacturing community with installations in North America, Australia, Europe, Mexico, New Zealand and South Africa. We offer a variety of innovative software products for integrating business data, allowing organizations to make informed decisions for streamlining their business processes, resulting in maximum efficiency and immediate ROI. Companies of all sizes have used our products to bring their business to the next level, improving their manufacturing productivity and quality.