Quick Tips: Switching ERP Systems

 When You Need to Switch ERP Systems

In 2014 we went from 4.8M in revenue to 8M in revenue using MIE Trak Pro."

– Frank Roth, Elite Tool

How do you know when it's time to switch ERP systems?

You already know the benefits of ERP because you’ve already invested in one. But, if you’re not happy with how your current system is working, then it's time to think about switching ERP systems. 

Warning Signs:

  • Your employees are not using it

  • You are paying for more as time goes on (exceeding the cost you initially planned for)

  • It’s outdated and no longer compatible with your other software tools

  • It’s not customizable, reliable, flexible, and doesn't allow you to grow

  • You are working for the software, not the other way around

  • You have tried to work it out with your current provider but a solution has not been found

If any of the above sound like you, it’s time to think about switching ERP systems. 

Read our case study on switching ERP systems

Read our case study on switching ERP systems

Steps to Switching ERP 

  1. Understand what the process will be like to migrate your data to a new system. Strategize the conversion process and plan for the new implementation training.

  2. Identify what your current ERP is NOT doing and what you are looking for in a new solution. What exactly isn’t working? What do you wish your current ERP software could do?

  3. Provide ongoing support to your employees in order to facilitate the transition and bring awareness to the issues it will solve.

Investing large amounts of time and money into choosing an ERP system that does not work for you is disappointing and frustrating. We want to avoid "buyer's remorse" and, if you are currently experiencing that, then you know that the next time around needs to be better - and we agree.

You may be thinking that it would be easier to continue to "put up with" software that hinders your company’s growth. However, it may be in your best interest to consider a change. Not all ERP systems are the same and if yours is not working for you, then it’s time to consider a better solution.