Quick Tip: How to Reduce Order Entry Errors


The number one problem we see with our clients in Order Entry is manual input errors which wastes time. So, how do you maximize your time in situations where you are receiving PO’s with ten, or more, line items?

Questions to Ask

  1. How many orders are entered daily?

  2. Do you have customers that send you PO’s with 10, or more, line items?

  3. Do you have problems entering sell prices correctly?

What can we do?

Use an Electric Data Interchange to automate input.

The way that EDI works is that data is entered into your system electronically instead of manually. One way you can start implementing this today is by asking your customers if they have an electronic data file that they can send you to import into your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Any document can be exchanged this way, from purchase orders to invoices and advanced shipping notices. Using an EDI can make processing an order completely seamless. It eliminates pricing errors and decreases the time spent on manual order entry. Your ERP system should validate your customer’s electronic files, including their purchase order PDF files which can be automatically received through your ERP system. Using EDI eliminates not only time and energy waste, but also paper waste, creating a greener supply chain. 

MIE File Reader

is a custom EDI add-on that creates a folder to MIE Trak Pro’s Desktop where any consistent PDF, CSV, or standard text file received from your customer can be dragged and dropped to MIE File Reader which automatically imports effortlessly into MIE Trak Pro.

You can now:

  • Import multiple pages of files at a time

  • Take PDF purchase order files from a customer and automatically convert them into sales orders

  • Obtain a list of jobs that are to be shipped that day and create packing slips without any manual entry